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Augold's Place
Oklahoma E-mail me
All about me and then some

Aura Beck
Owner, Designer, Creator, and gopher
Hello there! My name is Aura. Yes, for reals people. I have the birth certificate to prove it. A little bit about me and then on to the fun stuff for you, but work for me...the site itself.
As for me, I am so not a free spirit. I believe in God with all of my heart. I may have my relationship issues with Him, but we all have thorns in our side we must all work on pulling out...that just happens to be my biggest one. I have four lovely children. I will be having a grandchild in April...wow! Really? I am so not old enough!
I have been playing the sims since 2004 when it was called The Sims. I have been playing and been addicted to it since then. Even though there was a time when I wasn't, I was still thinking about it. I didn't know about custom content until 2016. Isn't that cray, cray!? So, I started thinking about patterns even then. I looked for items that were different. Items no one would consider, or would, but wouldn't do anything with. There is so much out there. So many wonderful creative fabric makers. (So, in the beginning of our journey on this website, things are going to be out of sorts until I can get a hold of what it is I want to accomplish. Bare with me.) I want to showcase their creations; never as my own. I want to give you ideas of what you can do with those fabrics instead of putting them on the walls. Tweak them. Change the perspective of them. Make them into a creation all of your own.
That is what being an artist is all about. Changing the perspective for someone else. It opens their minds to endless possibilities. For some people, that one change can bring emotion. Isn't that amazing!
So, while thinking about patterns, I thought about pillows. Granted I have not created any yet....there are personal things going on that are involved. I have not given up on the idea of having a pillow business. So, what can I do with all of the stuff I do have? I can give you what you need. Different patterns of colors. Now in the beginning, most of the patterns will be Non-Seamless, but in time I will be making them seamless. As some may already know, a lot of patterns can not be made that way. Those patterns can be used for something else.
I don't want this site to be all about me. I want this site to be about YOU too, but with style. So, the contact page is where you can help us come up with ideas. We can collaborate on things we wish to get out to the public. Let me help you if I can. If I can't do something for you, I will find someone who can and get you in touch with them. I can be your first stop, your middle-woman, or your last stop. If there is a certain style you wish to see, let me know. I will do my best to get it on here.
I hope you enjoy this experience. I know I will.
With all of my heart, soul, and love.....just keep simming!