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TS4 Tutorials
The How To's
If you are looking for tutorials to get you through the awful mess you are in when trying to get that project completed, well, you have come to the right place. Here you will find a comprehensive list of tutorials from all over...well....may be not all over the planet, but from various TS4 hotspots. Some tutorials can not be posted on this site do to not having permission from the creators and those hosting the tutorials, but there are links to get you to the correct place. There are links for video-tutorials. There are also links to the tuts I have created. If you see something missing, let me know by going to the contact page (located in the menu bar at the top of the page).
TS4: Creating a Custom Painting Using GIMP 2.8
Learn how to create a Custom Painting for you to enjoy in game and/or to upload for players to download into their game. Here you will find details on how to use GIMP 2.8 to make your images fit into the EA mesh. You will also learn how to use S4S on exporting your mesh and importing the mesh with a new image. This tutorial is an Aura original and may not be used in conjunction with any other website, no copying, redistributing, re-uploading in any kind of way.
How To: The Cheats and Codes of TS4
A comprehensive list taken from around the web of the Hot Keys, Cheats, and Codes to make gaming easier.
How to: Use the Camera - For Those Awesome Screenshots
A quick tutorial on how to use the camera in Camera Man Mode to get that GREAT Screenshot. As well as, How and Where to upload those images to show off your simmies.
How to: Manage Your Custom Content (CC)
A very detailed tutorial with photos on I manage my CC downloads. Where I save them, How I organize them, How I merge them, and where I put them to show up in the game.
How to: Install Custom Content into TS4
A tutorial on how to get that content into the game. With photos to help.
A small tutorial on how to get those mods into the game. With photos to help.